Gemini symbol
Gemini symbol

If you let this year slip by without interrogating your entire life’s purpose while glaring out of a window to a slick, sick soundtrack. You don’t think you will, but you will miss it. In another year and a half (unless an Anne Rice vampire appears to turn you during that time) you will literally never be capable of feeling this emo again. You might be tired of what you feel like now, but this is so close to the last time you’ll ever feel it again. TWO THOUSAND AND EIGHT, nearly 14 years ago! Right now, Pluto’s slow-walking backward in your space until October 2022, when that enormous lil’ chunk of ice will twirl and launch back so hard it’ll land in Aquarius by spring 2023, to bounce back for only a couple of loaded touches before moving on for good in 2024.


If it sucks, whatever it may be, June’s full moon is absolutely the ideal astrological time to hit da bricks.

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Nobody else quits stuff with the relish of a Sag, and that’s because Sagittarians love freedom. Full moons are astrologically about standing naked in the bright light of night and releasing whatever’s weighing you down, and (Taylor Swift excepted) you know who fucking loves to let things go? Sagittarians. This season’s big ole Strawberry Supermoon is in Sagittarius. You flourish in… well, an enormous variety of situations, because like your sibling sign Gemini, you tend to thrive in chaos! And during your sibling sign Gemini’s season - a transitional period between seasonal weather extremes - you may weirdly find yourself having the absolute best time of your whole year, a major growth spurt between periods of (relative) dormancy (lol, as if you could ever). You typically do well during your own season while others suffer in north-of-the-equator cold or south-of-the-equator heat. Woof, Sag! Every sign feels a little power boost in their own season, even when it’s objectively slated to be a crappy one. You just had to be there, the “there” being inside the individual Gemini’s brain and usually they don’t fully understand it, either.

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Before you know it, they have galaxy-brained to a whole new level of understanding about something that might not even be related to the topic at hand! Their earnest attempts to verbalize their thought process only confuse bystanders. Mercury-ruled Gemini don’t have to proceed logically from thought to thought instead, they hear a sound, or see a flash of color that sets off a memory, and suddenly they are teleporting through an array of previously unexamined facts they learned from elementary school assemblies and conversations with random strangers in the bathroom line. But that’s a reductive cliché leveled by boring people who can’t keep up with the zodiac sign’s talent for lateral thinking. Gemini babies tend to catch a stereotype of being… well, a bit airheaded.

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It’s Gemini season, baby, and it ain’t gonna shut up until it’s through with us! Can you hear that faint chattering noise, like a radio left on in a neighboring apartment? It’s a super-catchy earworm you just can’t shake it’s a chorus of cicadas vibrating in their quest for companionship.

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